Helping people leaders hire well


Deliverable: Workshop

Do you know what it costs to hire the wrong person? Some research has suggested that it costs up to 30% of the person’s annual salary.  For large organizations with a large number of people coming and going, the inability to hire well can add up quickly.  That’s why hiring skills are so important for people leaders.

A large multinational company with 46,000 employees and $200 billion in revenue wanted to make sure that its people leaders were as effective at hiring as possible.  They brought in BCL to help build a learning program to strengthen hiring skills.  It was recognized that in the overall hiring process, people leaders are not typically involved in the sourcing part of the process but largely in the evaluation – reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates.  So we decided to focus our training on gathering the right information and then using it to make an optimal decision.


A hiring simulation

What better way to learn how to do this than to actually interview job candidates, come to a decision, and then compare your work and results to those of others and an expert?  This is precisely how we shaped their learning solution.  We built a two-hour workshop in which all learners had to go through two rounds of hiring.  In each round, they would be given three resumes and interview job candidates. They would be asked to make a decision, and then afterwards, share their decisions with the group, discuss, and get expert coaching.

For the learners, BCL created fictional resumes.  We also made a structured interview guide for learners to follow during the process.  They were also given a reflection guide so that they could self-evaluate after each round.  The candidates were played by the L&D staff.  They were also given the candidate resumes along with additional back stories.  We provided them with a response guide to help them in answer questions from the learners.  Finally, they were given a structured score card they could use to evaluate each learner.

The workshop was highly rated by learners, trainers, and leadership.  It provided the team with a highly engaging learning experience that zeroed in on the most precise skills people leaders needed to strengthen their hiring processes.

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