Case studies


Job aids for improving strategic decisions

When public health officials were drowning in fires they had to put out, BCL was called in to help. Our interactive decision-support tool helped them prioritize their efforts and while learning in the flow of work.

Helping people leaders hire well

When one organization wanted to improve its hiring effectiveness, it hired BCL to train its people leaders how to interview and evaluate job candidates. Here’s how we pulled this off.

Using games to reduce cognitive fatigue

When learners have to master a highly complex body of skills in a short time period, helping them manage cognitive fatigue and motivation is critical. Here’s how we did that for a mid-sized life science organization.

Bringing learning to rural health workers

Getting critical training to rural health workers in low income countries can be tricky. Learn how we put life saving training into the hands of hundreds of thousands of health workers in over 180 countries.

Harnessing a sales team’s competitive fire

How do you get a sales team to go from refusing to take training to asking for more of it – even when they no longer need it? Find out how we accomplished this with our business intelligence learning program.

A system for global product launches

How do you ensure that all countries are working optimally when preparing their people for global product launches? We helped one company standardize its global product rollout training.

Expanding the reach and impact of training

When an organization with a life-saving immunization training program struggled to train even a small fraction of its population, they turned to BCL to help them expand the reach and impact of their training.

Building a team of trouble-shooters

When your main job is troubleshooting complicated reimbursement problems, being able to diagnose and troubleshoot issues is paramount. We helped a field-based medical team hone their problem-solving skills.

Bringing complicated science to life

If you want to bring bio science jobs into a state, you need a workforce with the right knowledge and skill. This inevitably means helping them understand complicated scientific concepts.

Embedding coaching into the culture

When you are serious about changing your culture, you can’t limit yourself to just training. You need to envelop your people in a 360-degree wrapper of support. Here’s what that looked like for one organization.

Helping sales thrive in a complicated market

How do you prepare sales reps to make sophisticated economic pitches to savvy, price sensitive buyers in a dynamic, complicated marketplace? Here’s how we helped one company get this done.