Learning experience scorecard

Here’s a comprehensive scorecard that helps you assess the quality of the learning experience in a learning solution or activity.
Instructional quality scorecard

A thorough scorecard that helps you assess the extent to which a learning solution or activity is instructionally effective.
Course transcript template

Here’s a template you can use for creating course scripts, whether it be for elearning, videos, or any other form of digital learning deliverable.
Storyboard template

Storyboarding a course? Save time by downloading our storyboarding template.
Learning experience plan

Describes how the learner will experience a solution so that stakeholders can evaluate the vision before diving deep into content development.
Project scoping template

Guides you as you uncover and express all the information required to point a learning team in the right direction at the outset of a project.
Project kickoff PowerPoint

Get all of your team members and stakeholders aligned on all the critical factors that will determine the success of your learning project.
Project startup toolkit

The foundation for a successful project is laid at the very beginning. Yet getting project startup right requires a lot of thought and care. This toolkit gives you everything you need to get your project into orbit.
Project scoping toolkit

How your project is scoped will have a dramatic affect on how well your project team satisfies the need and how smoothly your project goes. Here’s a resource that can help you get this right.
Finding the right elearning vendor

When you choose an elearning vendor, you are committing yourself to a long-term relationship. This white paper helps ensure you make a decision you can live with.