
Learn a practical framework for driving behavior change deep into your organization.

Creating a learning solution in a corporate environment can be far more complicated than it might seem on the surface. There are usually many unknowns at the start; there can be numerous stakeholders to manage, some of whom may disagree with each other; many people may be involved in the build, with lots of hand offs, iterations, and opportunities for things to slip; and unexpected challenges often arise. This course teaches L&D pros how to get from the beginning to the end of a project in good stead.


Any L&D professional who creates learning solutions

Your people will learn how to:

Create and manage an effective project plan
Create and manage an effective budget
Effectively kickoff a project and get everyone on the same page
Establish and manage expectations
Maintain communication on the build team and with stakeholders
Navigate unexpected changes or problems




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8 hours (full day)

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Ready for true behavior change?

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